Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Dear Me

Dear my younger self,
        Right now, in this exact moment of your life, please remember one important thing...
You will be alright.
I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you will be just fine.  This person, object, event, thought, fear, or worry that is making it so hard for you to find happiness will soon fade away, will soon be in the past and forgotten about.  I am writing as a much older and wiser me, and I have a few things to share with you.  Most importantly, you are a beautiful, talented, and smart girl.  Don't let anyone tell you differently.  You are important and you do matter.  You're not alone Gina, you never were and you never will be alone.  Don't dwell on the past okay?  Whats done is done, it can't be changed.  Learn from your mistakes.  You've made a lot of mistakes in the past and you're going to make more in the future, but you can learn from them.  Choose to be happy.  This deep sadness you are feeling gets better, so don't let it control your life right now.  Choose happiness.  You don't need approval from anyone else to make you happy.  You can be happy, you just need to have faith in yourself.  
I'm not going to sugarcoat this, but you will go through a lot in the years to come.  Start preparing for 2014 because it will be a very tough year, and you'll break down.  A lot of heartbreak, a lot of loss and confusion.  You will lose someone in your family, and it will hit you hard.  This will be something new to you, but you have to stay strong.  You'll also lose someone extremely close to your heart, also apart of your family.  This will be extremely hard to deal with.  You'll feel a lot of pain and anger, and it'll stick around for awhile.  To be honest, it never will truly go away, but the pain will fade, and it'll get easier to deal with.  Don't worry though, you won't forget all the memories like you feared you would.  Those will stay with you forever.  Two major factors in your life will soon fade away, and that part of your life will have to change.  Again, it will be tough, but you'll make it through and realize there is more to life.  One more thing...love.  Love is confusing, your confused and it's ok.  Follow your heart, and it will lead you to wonderful things. 
With all the pain and hard times you will go through, you will also have many great experiences.  Big trips, small trips, more memories that will fill you up with joy and excitement.  Cherish those moments, because it won't get to happen all the time.  Those memories will lift you up and get you excited for the future.    
You won't believe how much your life will change.  There will always be tough times in your life, but you're stronger now.  You got this Gina.  Be confident, be open to try new things, and you'll love yourself for it.  Stop comparing yourself to others.  Just be you.  Just choose happiness.  
Oh and also appreciate your parents a little more.  You'll finally realize how much they help and guide you.  
You're awesome and love yourself!
Stay beautiful J

Love, your older self


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