Monday, March 9, 2015

Detox Water

Even though I am a “skinny” or “petite” young woman... I eat like a pig.  I am so unhealthy and I need to change that!  I would consider myself a lazy person because I don’t really exercise at all.  I eat greasy fried food all the time along with chocolate and sweets, and eventually it will catch up with me.  I have been feeling very gross and sluggish lately, so I decided to make a change and try something new.  My best friend and I have decided to try some detox waters to help clean out our bodies from all the garbage we put in them.  If you don’t exactly know what detox water is, here is a brief definition.  You basically put different fruits in water and let them infuse for a given period of time, and then you just drink the water.  All the natural ingredients in the different types of fruit give different benefits for your body.  For example, lemon is good for your skin and your digestive system.  Cucumbers prevent water retention, and oranges contain juice that stimulates the immune system.  
Of course I had to go on the beloved Pinterest to search for some detox water recipes, and I did not get disappointed.  There are so many types of recipes you can choose from that will give you the same result.  My friend and I chose three different recipes we would like to try, and then took a trip to our local grocery store to pick up what we needed.  I ended up getting some strawberries, lemons, cucumbers, oranges, kiwis, and mint leaves.  These are the detox water recipes I am going to try.

 1Natural Belly Slimming Detox Water

-      3-5 slices of cucumber
-      1/2 small lemon sliced
-      1/4 of orange sliced
-      A few fresh mint leaves
-      24oz of ice cold water
o   This one didn’t give a specific recipe, but I will just let it sit in the fridge for an hour or two before I drink it.  

 2.   Lemon and Strawberry Detox Water

-      Add some fresh sliced strawberries and lemon slices to 24oz of water, let sit overnight and sip throughout the day.  Extremely beneficial to digestion as well as clear and healthy skin.

 3.  Strawberry Kiwi Slim down Water 

-      1/2 gallon cold water
-      2 kiwis, sliced
-      6 strawberries, sliced
o   Mix all ingredients and keep chilled for 1-2 hours before drinking.
o   Discard after 24-48 hours or when fruit starts to taste bitter.  

I can’t wait to try this and see how it goes.  I have been so busy with work and school; I haven’t gotten around to making any yet.  I plan to start tomorrow, and I will definitely keep writing updates here and there on what I think and if it works or not. If you try these or have tried other detox water recipes, I would love to hear about them in the comments below!

See ya next time!

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